Month: August 2014

Grain Free Banana Muffins

I give these banana muffins an 8 on the 1-10 likability scale. The number one being awful and ten being perfect. They’re grain free, gluten free (of course), dairy free, and refined sugar free. They’re moist and fluffy. They aren’t overly sweet but they… Continue Reading “Grain Free Banana Muffins”

Powerhouse Candybars

These candy bars are packed with protein and all kinds of ingredients that are not only delicious, but extremely good for you. They’re simple to make. You know how I am about fussy recipes. I avoid them if I can. Just make sure you… Continue Reading “Powerhouse Candybars”

When In Doubt ~ Go Flourless

Are you as unimpressed with grain free living as I am? Do you just want to make a quick batch of fresh cookies after dinner that doesn’t require 12 different ingredients and the unsettling chance that no one will like them? Well then, flourless… Continue Reading “When In Doubt ~ Go Flourless”

Say Goodbye to The Dirt

The majority of the landscaping for this season has been completed.  What a relief! Remember the cracked driveway I told you about? (The fence workers drove their big truck on our driveway and broke the concrete.) That has one more day of dry time… Continue Reading “Say Goodbye to The Dirt”

Halibut & Shrimp Tacos

Years ago when I heard someone mention how delicious the fish tacos were they had eaten at a restaurant downtown, I thought it was the most appalling thing I’d heard in a long while. Fish tacos? Ugh. But then… I realized I had the… Continue Reading “Halibut & Shrimp Tacos”

A Recovered Bread Fail

Yesterday I told you I’ve been trying to find the “Best” gluten free, grain free, bread. I’m working on my own creations as well as trying other blogger’s recipes. Have you visited the gluten free, dairy free, paleo blog, The Spunky Coconut? Kelly’s recipes are… Continue Reading “A Recovered Bread Fail”

Forever Searching For That Perfect Sandwich Bread

Sandwich bread is the number one complaint and the most sought after item by people who are gluten-free and/or grain free. Seriously, I cannot believe with the information and technology we have today that no one has been able to make the perfect gluten-free, grain free,… Continue Reading “Forever Searching For That Perfect Sandwich Bread”

Simple Chicken Dinner & A Fabulous Fallen Cake

Simple is my middle name these days. I used to just relish working on recipes that had a gazillion steps and were a labor of love to create. Now, I still aim for fabulous and crave fantastic, but the first thought on my mind is… Continue Reading “Simple Chicken Dinner & A Fabulous Fallen Cake”

Buckwheat & Coconut Flour Pancakes

I’ve been doing a lot of reading on this whole Paleo thing. The concept behind Paleo in a nutshell, is eating only things that our early ancestors ate. Basically, if a caveman couldn’t hunt it or find it, you can’t eat it. I very… Continue Reading “Buckwheat & Coconut Flour Pancakes”

Anti Inflammatory Smoothie

“There are literally hundreds of illnesses caused by chronic inflammation that modern medicine has classified as unique and unrelated, when in fact they are all products of the same underlying imbalances inside the body. When the root causes of these imbalances are properly addressed,… Continue Reading “Anti Inflammatory Smoothie”