The Early Bird Gets The Worm

Extra healthy sustenance for an early morning and a productive day in the garden.

Power Packed Breakfast Granola

I haven’t had to use an alarm clock to wake me since I was a teenager. It’s wonderful not having to be awakened by a horrible buzzing sound if I have something important planned for my day. Typically, this “inner alarm clock” works in my favor. I’m a morning person and enjoy getting up quite early and doing my own thing for a while before the rest of the house starts to stir.


Sometimes this inner alarm has a sense of humor and gets stuck on east coast time or something and decides to wake me way, way earlier  than any “early bird” would like.

For the past week and a half it’s been 2:30 in the morning. On. The. Dot. 

Yep, not really the ideal time.

So to fix my inner clock I try to just remain in bed with a blank mind (yeah right!), and try my hardest to fall back to sleep until my inner alarm remembers that I am to wake up at 5:00, not 2:30.

This lying in bed with a somewhat blank mind (imagining myself soaking up the sun on the beach in Kauai), had worked until this morning. So after an hour of staring at the ceiling and twiddling my thumbs, I finally just got out of bed.

It ended up being a very productive morning, actually. I was able to catch up on blog posts from my fellow bloggers, ooohhhinng and awwwwing over all of their amazing recipes upon recipes upon more recipes, stories and more stories, and gorgeous words, photographs and beautiful music to start my morning. Then, I wasted an incredible amount of time on Facebook looking at posts and chatting with other early birds. Finally, I snuggled into my favorite chair to do my morning bible study and journal. I started journaling again about 8 months ago after not doing it for about 25 years. I love it. I can’t imagine beginning my day without it. It’s just me and God, having an incredible conversation. Right now I’m also reading two devotionals. Jesus Calling and The Confident Woman. Such insight. And such an incredible way to start the day. On the right footBecause we all know how the day can go when we start off on the wrong one.

Here’s a little something to give you some extra energy for your day, in case your inner alarm is also playing tricks on you:                                                                                                                   

Extra Energy Smoothie with a side of Granola

*Inspired by Yes I Want Cake

(This makes 2 – 16 ounce servings)

1 -1 1/2 Cups Almond Milk

1/2 Cup Fresh Organic Strawberries

1 Cup Mixed Organic Frozen Berries (Blackberries, Blueberries, Raspberries)

1 Cup Pineapple TidBits

1 Organic Banana

 2 heaping Tablespoons Organic Raw Almond Butter

2 Nice Sized Handfuls of Organic Spinach


Place in a heavy duty blender and blend until smooth. Serve with a side of granola to sprinkle on top or mix in for extra oomph and texture.

12 Comments on “The Early Bird Gets The Worm

  1. I love smoothies too and honesty do not make them often enough, this makes me want to get back into the habit.. and thank you for sharing my page.. I awake at 4 am, I find that the morning is certainly the best for writing. but um.. 2 might be a little early for me! morning.. c


    • I don’t make them enough either and they are so easy. I took a nice nap today for the first time in a long time, boy did I need it! Hopefully that caught me up a little on the sleep. 🙂


  2. Your smoothies will start any day off right, that’s for sure. Max is my alarm clock. He never lets me sleep past 7:00 am, usually getting me out of bed around 5:30. And why? So that he can go sleep on an old futon. 🙂


  3. Must try your smoothie! Can’t remember the last time I had one…
    Re: Sleep, If I had my way I would sleep until 7:00 every day. But I don’t get my way, so usually I wake up at 3:30 and try your tricks to go back to sleep. Sometimes it works, but mostly it doesn’t. A good sleep for me has me sleeping in till 5:30 or 6:00. 🙂
    Thanks for the Shout Out above! ~ Lynda


  4. Wow, 2:30 is ridiculous!! Hope your inner alarm clock gets back on track! Also – I’ve got another delicious green smoothie recipe for you – just made it today, and will probably post it tomorrow – I think you’ll love it after looking at the one you posted here. Finally, thanks for all the links to your blog friends, I loved checking those out & you’re right when you say they have fantastic stories and recipes to share 🙂


  5. Yay, I can’t wait! I love smoothies as long as they aren’t too “earthy” tasting. Ha!

    This morning the inner alarm went off at 4:30 and I was able to take a little catch up nap yesterday. I’ll take it over 2:30 any day! 🙂

    Have a great day! ~April


  6. Now this looks like my kind of morning shake! I get insomnia sometimes too.. lately I’ve been waking up several times through the night.. it’s driving me crazy!!


  7. Pingback: 13 Completely Natural Energy Drinks - GleamItUp

  8. Pingback: Extra Energy Smoothie #EatCleaner gluten-free-zen.c… – Healty Smoothies

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