Organic Breakfast Salad

Good Morning!


We are up to our ear lobes in boxes around the house and looking forward to the moving company’s arrival next week. We’re leaving a month before our house sale closes and praying that everything goes smoothly. 


I’ve been trying to adhere to an anti-inflammatory diet at least 5 days a week. Breakfast is a tough one. I’m lowering my intake of eggs, grains, and heavy animal protein as much as possible.  Easter threw me for a loop with turkey, stuffing with bacon, mashed potatoes, giblet gravy, and berry crisp with coconut ice cream (all of my favorites!). Then of course, we had to have leftovers last night for dinner because it was just so delicious on Easter. Lots of salt, sugar, and other foods that inflame.


So this morning I’m back to healthier eating. Since the whole Lyme Disease thing started in October I’ve been having increasing issues with major joint pain and arthritis. The doctor prescribed the anti inflammatories Diclofenac and Celebrex for me to try. Although I hate taking any type of medication and prefer to go with natural remedies, the pain from this arthritis and the swelling of joints doesn’t always make that possible. I prefer the Diclofenac. The Celebrex made me feel weird and didn’t work at all for the pain. I try to only take the Diclofenac for 3-4 days and then go off for a week or as long as I can stand it because it can be very hard on your stomach. But the key is to not allow the arthritis pain to get too bad because then it takes more medication to get it under control.

Along with trying to stay away from foods that cause inflammation and lessening my intake of animal protein, I’m also doing other natural remedies that are known to be helpful for arthritis. In the mornings I drink Organic Lemon Verbena Tea with medicinal honey to boost my immune system and fight bad bacteria. I made a fresh batch of turkey bone broth yesterday, and I also take high quality supplements daily. A multi vitamin/mineral, 8,000 IU’s of Vitamin D3, a probiotic, and a supplement for adrenal support.


 I try my hardest to drink 90 ounces of filtered water every day, and every night I take two Tablespoons of Organic Tart Cherry Juice Concentrate before bed. Tart cherries also have the added benefit of natural melatonin which aids in sleep. And it tastes delicious, which is a nice change from most supplements.


That’s what’s going on in my neck of the woods. More packing to be done today. Hope you all have a wonderful day and if you have any arthritis remedies that work well for you, please share!

Organic Breakfast Salad

Organic Spinach

Organic Apple

Organic Strawberries

Organic Blueberries

Small Portion of Organic Turkey Breast

Organic Walnuts

Organic Fresh Squeezed Lemon Juice

Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil


8 Comments on “Organic Breakfast Salad

  1. Moving is so unsettling especially when some things are in boxes and others aren’t and you try to work out what you can and can’t back etc, etc. An awful time. I hope it’s going as well as can be expected. I love the sound of your Easter menu – delicious! What a shame it’s had such an impact on your body, though. Sorry to hear about all the inflammation and arthritic pain – not good! This is a beautiful looking breakfast salad xx


    • Thanks Charlie! Yes, it’s stressful for sure. Soon to be on the mend though. Then we get the fun of looking for a new house and settling in. 🙂


  2. I feel for you guys, April, enduring a cross-country move so soon. No move is easy but 2 in a year is really tough. There is so much to love about this salad. I really do enjoy fruit, berries, and nuts in a salad. They give little, often unexpected, pops of flavor and crunch. Yum!


  3. That salad looks really good. We’re up to our eyeballs in boxes too, getting ready to move too. I’m try to cook right up to moving day as well as have food prepared to take on the road and hold us for a couple of days till I can get my kitchen working again. The fewer meals we have to eat out the better. 🙂


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