
Happy Wednesday To Me!


2 Scoops Dairy Free Coconut Milk Ice Cream

1-2 Shots Instant Decaf Espresso

Grated Dark Chocoloate

Sliced Almonds

Place scoops of ice cream in coffee cup. Pour hot espresso over the ice cream. Grate dark chocolate over the top and sprinkle with sliced almonds. Garnish with a solid piece of dark chocolate.

19 Comments on “Affogato

  1. It really does look delicious, i wonder if i can make that with the dairy and real coffee?! but I have no icecream and no cow to milk until May.. sad c


  2. Just discovered your blog and I am in heaven. Celiac runs in my family and I’m getting tested for it soon… incredibly encouraging to know that gluten-free is not a death sentence for foodies. Love this.


    • Welcome and thank you for stopping by and saying hello! I am gluten-free and dairy-free and you’re right, it’s not a death sentence. The first few months will be a challenge but it’s so worth it. Preparation and organization as well as education is the key to success. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask! šŸ™‚


  3. I’ve posted quite a few ice cream recipes, including affogati, but didn’t know that coconut milk could be used to make ice cream. I need to check into this for a couple friends who cannot tolerate dairy. Thanks, yet again, for pointing me in that direction. Jeez. Bread, almond milk, and now coconut ice cream. You’re a veritable fountain of information! šŸ™‚


    • You are very welcome. šŸ™‚ There are many things that are offered dairy free! Dairy free butter (I use Earth Balance Soy Free), dairy free cheese (I prefer Daiya they have mozzarella, cheddar, and jalapeno “cheese”), Dairy free ice cream, ice cream bars, ice cream sandwiches (I prefer the Luna & Larry’s Coconut Bliss brand), dairy free yogurt that is made with almond milk (Amande) and coconut milk yogurt. They are both good but I prefer the Amande because it is thicker. You can also make “whipped cream” out of canned coconut milk but it is not quite as fluffy as the real thing. There’s a technique that you can Google for the whipped cream. I don’t know about your friend, but I can also tolerate sheep’s milk cheese and goat’s milk cheese as long as I don’t eat it more than once a week.

      If I can think of any other dairy alternatives I will keep you posted!


  4. I’m dipping my imaginary chocolate bar into your coconut milk ice cream, there’s a tiny snap.. Oh dear, I’m dreaming again! Yummy recipe:) would there be fewer calories than with ice cream do you think?


    • I’m not sure, I’ve never looked. I guess I figure if I’m eating ice cream and chocolate I’m just going to go for it and I don’t think about the calories! Plus, the dark chocolate is so good for you, it outweighs the calories…right? šŸ˜‰


  5. Pingback: Organic Breakfast Salad | gluten free zen

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