The Best Things About Blogging – My Corner Of The World

This morning when I checked my messages I was greeted with a nomination for the Versatile Blogger Award by Giovanna from Not a bad way to greet the morning at all. Thank you, Giovanna! Giovanna was born and raised in Panama City and now lives in Madrid, Spain. Her blog is filled with delicious family recipes from her life in Panama. Here’s her mother’s Panamanian recipe for Flan, the most gorgeous and fluffy flan I’ve ever seen.

I’ve been blogging for about a year now and it has been so much fun! It’s of course great to hear that other people enjoy my recipes as much as I do, but the best part about blogging is the people you “meet”. Friendly, supportive, amazingly talented, people. I learn something new every day from following other people’s blogs. And how cool is it to be able to get a peek into someone else’s world? To learn new things, chit chat back and forth, be supportive and make friends with people you otherwise would never know?

There are some rules that go along with receiving the Versatile Blogger Award:

  •  Thank the person who gave you the award
  •  Include a link to their blog
  •  Select bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly
  •  Nominate those bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award
  •  Tell people 7 things about yourself

I’ll answer the questions first, then I’ll try to pass on the award to as many of my favorite bloggers as I can that haven’t received the award in the past. Please click on the links below and visit their sites, you won’t be disappointed!

7 Things About Me

1.  Coming up with 7 interesting things about myself is much more difficult than I thought it would be!

2.  Where I fit in the family – I am an only child. I’m the wife (21 years) to a loving and supportive man who raves about my cooking even when I’ve made something I don’t like. I’m the mother of a soon to be 20 year old son whom I cherish, who now lives on his own and navigates life without me quite well (empty nesters at 43…wow!). I have been blessed with not 1 but 2 Hungarian Vizslas, Romeo and Abigail Grace, who stole my heart from the moment I met them and never cease to amaze me when they greet me like I’m the most fantastic person on earth, whether I’ve been gone 5 minutes or 5 hours.

3.  I love, love, love, to read and typically read 1-2 books a week.

4.  I have an invisible neon, flashing sign on my door that says “all stray dogs welcome”. We’ve rescued at least 5 or 6 over the past year who have just appeared in front of our house with either no collar or invalid phone numbers on their tags. Sometimes it involved waiting patiently for hours, in one case two days, for them to trust us or driving around and knocking on doors all day to find their parents. One time was particularly sweet when I found a tiny little chihauhau that was the cutest thing ever. I drove around for two hours around our neighborhood and the surrounding neighborhoods while she stood on my arm rest and stuck her head out the window. I finally ran into the frantic owner who pulled up to a stop sign behind me. A 20 something great big, burly guy that had a catch in his voice when he saw her. He jumped out of the car and said, “OH Fiona!” Clearly so relieved and happy to have found his best friend. The peace and joy you get from that is priceless.

5.  I just started journaling again about 4 months ago after taking about a 25 year hiatus, and am loving it. So cathartic!

6.  I reward myself with a hot bath and good book every night before bed, whether I deserve it or not.

7. I am a sentimental hugger who loves a happy ending.

OK, now for the real talent:

None of the blogs below are “gluten-free”, but for those of you who follow my blog that are gluten free, you know by now that converting recipes from gluten full to gluten free isn’t hard at all. Enjoy! (fantastic stories, recipes, fun photos) (hilarious and a little naughty) (Beaitiful photography) (My #1 favorite blog, …Ceclia I know you’ve already been nominated so don’t worry about answering the questions, I just wanted people to see and read your lovely blog!) (Recently started following this one, if you’re a dog lover…it’s a must!) (Gorgeous food photos, fabulous recipes) (Delicious recipes like crab bread pudding…can you imagine!?) (Mouthwatering recipes, amazing photography, and an adorable Pug) (Healthy, beautiful, food) (Delicious recipes and an impressive array of cocktails) (Just a fantastic blog all around. Family history, authentic Italian food…I know you’ve already been nominated so don’t worry about answering the questions! Just wanted to make sure everyone has a chance to see your incredible, mouthwatering food)

Thanks again, Giovanna!

17 Comments on “The Best Things About Blogging – My Corner Of The World

  1. Congratulations, April, on your nomination! It’s well-deserved. You’ve been so much help to me as I’ve entered the “gluten-free world”. Thank you.


  2. You are so sweet! Thanks for the kindly mention of my little bit of the blogosphere. Having only recently become a fan of yours, this opportunity to get to know you a bit better is great! I applaud your efforts rescuing dogs, as would anyone who’s ever shared a home with one. My Max and his litter mates were all rescued at a kill facility when they were very young. I cannot imagine my life without him and if, heaven forbid, he gets loose one day, I hope some kind-hearted person like yourself finds him — and that he behaves, lest they throw him back into the street before I get there. 🙂


    • You are very welcome, I enjoy your blog a great deal! And don’t you worry, bad behavior has never been a reason for me to turn my back on a lost pup! It’s very rewarding helping those animals out, heart breaking sometimes because on occasion, I haven’t liked the owners we’ve returned them to. Like you, I would hope that if my two babies were to run away from home, someone kind would try their hardest to return them to me.


  3. Impressive list and loved the company you put me in and most of all I was touched that you highlighted one of Giovannas recipes> that was really lovely. i will go back and check that out too, thank you.. c


  4. April, I love you blog and the wonderful dishes that you make! They are beautiful!
    You and Tony are wonderful neighbors and we truly appreciate you both!

    Love, Sandy


  5. Pingback: Everybody Wants to be Loved « Ring Finger Tan Line

  6. Pingback: Everybody Wants to be Loved | Ring Finger Tan Line

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