The Super Smoothie Even A Veggie Hater Will Love


By now you probably know that if leftover spaghetti or cherry pie isn’t available for breakfast, I prefer a good smoothie.

The fruit in this “green” smoothie helps to outweigh all of the vegetable flavors. I love a veg smoothie, but I know many people who do not. You could easily serve this to non-veggie eaters in your life, and they would never know there’s 6 different vegetables in their glass.


This smoothie has enormous health benefits which make it OK for you to enjoy spaghetti or a piece of cherry pie (or both) for breakfast on occasion. After all, we have our priorities. Life is much too short to eat a healthy breakfast every day.

My super smoothie will add vitamins, minerals, healthy fat, and fiber to your day. It also has ingredients that balance blood sugar, help boost brain function, are cancer fighting, immune and energy boosting, and will fight inflammation.

It’s a tasty, healthy way to begin your day.


April’s Super Smoothie

*about four 16 ounce servings (my husband and I drink the whole thing!)

2 Cups Organic Spinach, packed

About 6 Organic Beet Greens

2 Large Organic Kale Leaves, stems removed

About 1/4 Cup Organic Parsley, packed

2 Organic Celery Stalks, with the leaves

2 Organic Carrots

1 Large Organic Banana

1 Medium Organic Apple, cored

8 oz. Organic Frozen Blueberries

1 Tablespoon Organic Tart Cherry Juice Concentrate

1 Tablespoon Organic Ground Cinnamon

1-2 Tablespoons Organic Raw Coconut Oil, solid

1-2 Tablespoons Brown Rice Protein Powder

16 ounces Filtered or Spring Water


Place everything but the ice in a heavy-duty blender and blend until smooth. Add ice, blend again until smooth. If you don’t have a heavy-duty blender like a Vitamix, etc. I would recommend cutting the recipe in half and blending in two separate portions.


7 Comments on “The Super Smoothie Even A Veggie Hater Will Love

  1. Thank you, April! I used to drink smoothies all the time until I became diabetic. However, I think I could bring them back into my summer breakfast, or lunch, regime if I made them with vegetables instead of all fruit! I look forward to spring and my gardens growing so I can try this out! Mmmm… smoothies…


  2. This looks incredible! Healthy, colorful, and filling. I’m enjoying your blog, kudos!


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